It is hard to believe, after years of dreaming and imagining, weeks of working on the application, months of wondering if this is really going to happen, we only have 8 weeks left until we leave. This makes for a very excited and overwhelmed mama!
We have some boxes packed. We have to ship the stuff we want to have while we are there next week. That means that we ship the stuff we can't live without while we're there but we have to live without it for the next 2 months as it travels around the world to find its way to our doorstep in Australia. Now you see if you could figure this out: we have to ship clothes and shoes because they are more expensive to buy there. But we will be without these clothes and shoes for 2 months. we are traveling around New Zealand for 3 weeks before we get our stuff that we've shipped. So the NZ clothes go in the suitcase, right? But then what do we ship? Warm clothes? But what do we do for the next 2 months while we live in this CO winter? Cool clothes? But then what do we wear in NZ during their summer? Oy. The complications and the conundrums...these are the problems I've only dreamed of having ...
Serioulsy though, things seem to be on track. We are all set with travels to NZ which is very exciting for me. We are beginning to live amongst boxes. I'm waiting until the moment when that pushes Mark over the edge. Maybe if the kids decorate them, they'll be more palatable for him. So far, though, he is handling this transitional phase very well.
I don't have much news that is going to excite anyone at this point--haven't seen any exotic birds or pristine glaciers...yet--but since today marks the 2 months and counting date, I felt the urge to write.
Leaving my practice continues to be the hardest part for me. I have had to turn down opportunities to teach and turn down new clients which makes me sad. I've also been talking to my current clients about my leaving which makes us all sad. I wasn't needing a break from my practice so I find myself wishing I could be in 2 places at once.
I'm adding pictures to this posting because the news is a bit dry. I'm hoping my kids' faces will spice things up a bit!! Love to you and your families,