Greetings from Down Under! Yes, it is summer here and yes, this is a crowded beach in
So to sum it all up, things are going beautifully. We are truly blessed not only to have this experience but to have it go so smoothly almost every step of the way. I am amazed, really.
Let's see...one bummer that I do have to mention is that while we do have wireless internet, it is very slow compared to what we're used to. It took me about 5 minutes to download the one picture here and frankly, I'm not sure I'm going to be willing to sit for 5 min. per picture unless I have something I can be doing while they are downloading. So if the blog is a bit shy of graphics, you'll know why. On the other hand, it will give me a chance to do the dishes, something I might not otherwise get around to as often as I should.
Okay, so grab a cup of tea and get comfortable. We had a lovely time in LA, as I said. Then we got on a huge plane headed for
A word about Prue: for those of you who will have a chance to meet her, you will be in for a treat. She's wonderful. We haven't gotten to meet her son and probably won't, sadly. She is so friendly and so excited to be coming and a bit nervous as well. With all the hospitality she and her friends have already shown us in the 36 hours we've been here, I am so hoping you all will welcome her with open arms whether you are in
Anyway, back to the story. We found our new car easily and Prue drove it home for us. Fortunately, the car was exactly where it was promised and it runs just fine. Unfortunately, because of the
We got to our new house on Thursday afternoon and it is adorable. It is small but it is really clean, well-cared for, well-decorated and has an upgraded kitchen and bathroom. She had put a lot of thought and time into turning her office into
Everything is so lush here--semi-tropical they call it. I would love to describe it to you but describing scenery is not really my thing. I'll try to find time to download more pictures. Suffice it to say that everything is dripping with green and there are bright flowers poking out everywhere. The most tropical aspects, however, are the animal noises. They are clearly lurking all around us though we haven't seen any of them yet. The cries we hear sound like the animals are hurt, in need of help, lonely and angry. It is a little disturbing to hear so much emotion coming from the trees and who knows where else. Tonight when we were driving home from the "barbie", we saw a swarm of birds that had a sort of bat feel to them though they were too big to be bats. There were hundreds of them flying in the same direction coming from the same source. It looked like there was a bubble machine somewhere shooting out birds. Very strange. And we have no one to ask about stuff like this yet. I'll let you know what I learn as we go.
Anyway, back to the house. Once Prue let us in and showed us a few things, she left us alone to get settled. This is when I freaked out. I started realizing that not only we were very far from home and would remain far from home for a whole year, but that I didn't even know where I was. I didn't know how to drive and I wouldn't know where to go even if I did. I simply didn't know where in the world I was. I mean, in my world,
It didn't help that as I was looking around the house, I began to realize that Prue didn't put any of her stuff in storage. She'd left every closet, every shelf, almost every nook and cranny filled with all her stuff. You might remember us talking in November about shipping boxes of our stuff out and you might also remember seeing pictures of
The kids, in the mean time, were happy as can be, as they are whenever we land in a new hotel room. They explored like cats, checking out all the nooks and crannies, finding lots of objects that could be transformed into new toys, regardless of their intended use. They fell fast asleep as they were exhausted by about 7pm.
We woke up this morning and with my new perspective combined with the very large and very cool spiders who'd woven webs in the front yard to rival
Driving: I tried it today.
We took the kids to the beach today. The sun was hot. The beach was crowded. The water was fun. It was good. I'm looking forward to finding another beach or to going back to that one during off-season. The drive home along the ocean was spectacular. It was all you'd expect out of Australian beaches. Vast ocean with a seam of white breaking waves along the edge; white sand, broken up by rock outcroppings here and there; rock walls coming up out of the sand several hundred feet and topped with green trees like thick hair; people everywhere all looking genuinely happy and alive. It's really good. I am glad we get to experience this for a whole year.
After the beach, we found our way to a grocery store. The weirdest thing is that it is inside what feels like a mall. You walk into this big building that doesn't look like a grocery store except there is a sign for the grocery store outside the building. We actually walked around the parking lot for a while (looking like idiot tourists, I'm sure) wondering how you get to the grocery store. We finally ventured into the building and it felt like walking into Villa Italia or some really old and run down mall. There was a butcher, a deli and a bakery and then at the end of the long hall was the grocery store. We bought some basics though nothing looked familiar except maybe the apples. Even the lettuce was weird--the roots are included with all the heads of red and green leaf lettuce.
After the grocery store, we came home to ready ourselves for the
Which brings us to right now. And if you've stayed with me through this whole post, you now deserve to go do something else. If you still have a little time or can find some time later, I'd love to hear from you. I wish you were all here!
Well you are better at this than me, I can not seem to figure out how to post!!!
We are so excited to hear your adventures! I am so jealous that of the tropical weather but NOT the spiders! ICK. Can not believe you slept with Jordan on top of you, you are a champ! And the car thing, whew!@ Has Mark scouted the gold courses yet? I am sure they are lush! Looking forward to hearing more about the food and the culture! I will love to share with mag. Maggie is SAD she can not invite Jordan to her party, I don't think she fully understood until now.
Thanks for the vivid update. You should consider writing a book. Your scenery descriptions are fresh vivid and empowered with a sense of innocence. Kris
I am so glad you made it and are doing well! I was so anxious to hear about the plane ride and it sounds like it was A- ok. Adjustment takes time. Keep your spirits high. Enjoy exploring and getting used to all the different things. Can't wait to hear what you think about the food! Other than the strange grocery store.
Take care.
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